Posted in Family, Friends

Last Weekend Rocked

Last weekend I headed out with my kids minus the husband to my girlfriend and her husband’s version of Lalapalooza called Ozzapalooza.

These two go all out when they throw a party. The only thing missing was an outside bar. Come to think of it, I thought there was going to be one of those this year. Bek?

We get a hold the date thingy in the mail then the real package comes.

Included in the package

A concert looking ticket giving the date, time, location, admission price which of course states FREE (one of my favorite 4 letter words).

An RSVP card that asks you to call so that they can buy enough beer

Directions in case

VIP Card giving us access to all Ozzapalozza events like the VIP gazebo, etc. It says that we should present the card for Free Parking and Unlimited Use of the Bathroom.

A Water Alert Card – This is a child friendly party so the card tells us that the kids get use of her kids kiddie pool, water table, sprinkler so we are told to bring an extra set of clothes just in case.

The 08 Special Attraction List –

  • 3 Flags Amusement Park which is her daughters swing set.
  • The Cage which is her daughter’s play room complete with totally cleaned the night before toys (because she is THAT kind of hostess.
  • The BatCave which is her husband’s pride and joy – A ridiculous, everyone should bow down and scream they are not worthy upon entering the doors. The room features a 8ft screen, with 4 of the most relaxing, reclining chairs you will ever see, surround sound, HD viewing, Xbox 360, PlayStation and a DVD collection to make Best Buy drool.

It was great to sit with Bek’s Aunt and talk for an hour I totally stole her forever. She was awesome.

Her father-in-law Columbus (not his real name) was the best. I loved how he was with my kids.

There were kids from last year that must have grown at least 2 feet in 1 year. Everyone seemed so grown!

To top a wonderfully fun, relaxing day off I won the raffle which was a Godfather Gift basket (colander, pasta, sauce and The Godfather DVD) which totally rocked.

On top of all this Bek loaned me 3 more books. I read Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight and loved it she when I returned that one she dropped the next 2 plus the final book of the series into my arms. It was like she was giving me a whole set of encyclopedias. I thought I was going to need help getting the 3 books to the car but thank God I have been working out and handled it like a champ.

It was a rockin good time. I can’t wait to see what the theme is next year.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take many pictures but I did get to help out a lot more than usual. How is this possible? Usually my husband is with me which means 2 sets of eyes on the kids and I can’t but this time I could. Maybe it is just that the kids are getting older. Last year I was worried about my 2 year old falling or something. I guess! Ummm…I’ll have to figure that one out.

Posted in Family, Life

Slice of Life Sunday – Father

Over at Slice of Life we were invited to write about 1 of 3 topics.

Choices for the week of June 15, 2008 are:

1. My Father

2. Friday the 13th – I had to include this prompt as it is the 13th week for Slice of Life Sunday and we just had a Friday the 13th, the only one for 2008.

3. Writer’s Choice – You may choose to write about anything that has happened or is happening in your life that you feel moved to share.

I am choosing to write about my Father because well, it is Father’s Day and because I really haven’t written about him in the 4 years of blogging.

*I call my dad, Daddy and will until the day I die.
*My daddy grew up in Brooklyn, NY.

*My daddy sang when he was a tyke. His parents sent him to a singing, dancing school because he from what I hear pretty good. As a child I always thought he had a good voice when he sang to the radio. He reminded me of Neil Sedaka.

*My daddy was a marine.

*Daddy was married before he married my mom. He married her at 26 so I am not sure how old he was, how long he was married or if my mom even knew. I found this little bit of information out a few years ago. Interesting how something like that could be kept under wraps for so many years. My mom died in 1978 and I found in 2001.

There is a bit of mystery to the whole thing and I am unsure of whether I have siblings from him or not. Supposedly “he was coerced into marrying her because she was pregnant. She told me the kids were mine but her father, my Sargent, helped me get out of it because they were not mine.” It seems strange that a father, circa 1960 would help some dude get out of marriage to his own daughter with 2 kids. It seems strange that this story never came out.

I have asked him on many occasions if I have brothers and he tells me no. I doubt I will ever know the real truth.

*My daddy was a printer by trade. He worked the big press machines for a publisher.

*My daddy is so funny. He always made me and everyone else laugh.

*My daddy makes friends easily and always had a lot of friends.

*My daddy lost his wife to cancer in 1978 and cried all the time.

*My daddy met a man (who he is still with) on a pier in Manhattan one night while he was crying and about to throw himself into the east river (imagine the life I would have had? Losing my mom at 12 to cancer and then my daddy taking his own life when I was 14!!

*My daddy is gay and now says he was since he was in the service. When I ask if my mom knew, he says yes. I find this, if true, to be very sad. Did she think she had to settle?

*My daddy’s father, my grandfather molested me for years.

*My daddy dropped us off at my grandparents house and never looked back. He came to see us on some weekends but he was selfish and living his own life. He uses the gay factor as his reason. “I thought it embarrassed you and your sisters, so I moved away.” If anyone should be embarrassed it should be him. How dare he leave 3 girls who just lost their mother to live his life. What kind of father is that?

*My daddy’s boyfriend and I never got along. I wish it was different because I feel like he came into my life (a child’s life) and it was his job to create a relationship with me.

*I love and accept my daddy with all his faults.

*My daddy let me down 3 years ago.

*My daddy has never met my 3 year old daughter.

*My daddy likes to make himself come off smelling like a rose.

*I talk to my Daddy 2 times a week and look forward to it. He is one of my favorite people to talk to.

*I miss him and the relationship we should be having.

*My daddy and I have not had a father, daughter relationship since I was 12. He is a guy friend that I call when I want to shoot the shit.

*I would love to take pictures of my kids with my daddy.

*My daddy sends the kids 1 dollar each a week and they love it.

*My daddy is so vain that the last picture I have of him is from 2003 when my son was born. He will not send a picture because he looks old. He promises me tons of them but never delivers.

*My daddy is too far away.

*One father’s day, I would love to hug him and tell him in person.

Posted in Family, My Kids, My Name Is Mommy, Parenting

Big Brother’s Got Your Back

Yesterday I took the kids to the Elementary School Park to play for an hour. It was about 5:00 and I figured it would be pretty empty. It was my first time going there and figured we would try it out.
I told the kids if they listened while there and left when I said it was time that I would take them back. They were awesome. There was no problem when I told them it was time and they walked hand in hand to the car. Cute.
When we got there, there were about 8 kids between the ages of 5 and 12 with not a single parent in sight. Not a good sign. I refuse to be responsible for strangers kids and prayed no one would get hurt because I wanted to have fun with mine.
The kids were rude and obnoxious to my kids which was a little surprising considering I was right there. A few times they refused to let my kids get on or off the slide and one of them wanted to scare my kids when they came down the slide “Here come the little kids” was spoken more often than not in the 15 minutes we were all together or not. I just kept telling my two to say “excuse me” and pass down the ladder. I had to tell them to let my kids off the ladder 5 times. Annoying.
What I loved the most of seeing these obnoxious few was how protective my son was with my daughter.
He would walk up the steps, half block the way, let his sister pass in front of him by putting his hand on her shoulder and then take up the rear. He was very aware these kids were rude and he wanted to make sure nothing happened to her. “Watch for Goddess” he would say as she passed by. I loved watching him take on the big brother role. So sweet to see it at such a young age.
Posted in Family, Sometimes it's about me, The Hoff/Teach

Wii – Me Love You Long Time

For my son’s 5th birthday I mentioned Wii to my husband. I thought it would be something that we could build on and all enjoy over time.

Playing the hero, he surprised us with it and we have been enjoying it ever since.

The game was bundled with Wii Sports, a 5 game disk that includes bowling, tennis, golf, boxing and baseball and we got him Super Mario – Super Galaxy.

He also got 2 other games from my sister-in-law, Mario Kart and Go Diego Safari Rescue.

We, as a couple are having so much fun! We used to spend a lot of time together before kids, playing games on XBox, listening to music, talking, hanging out together, etc. Then kids come and everything is about them. We have different interests and different directions right now. He started his own company and works the hours of well the president and I am a full time mom also with few hours to burn. We enjoy different TV shows on our down time and rarely spend alone time together which is really bad for a marriage.

Hello, not saying that Wii has saved THIS marriage, we were hardly leaning toward that road but we are enjoying more time together. Our competitive side comes out and we pat each other on the ass while we strut around the room with our Wii remotes poised and ready to kick some spousal ass.

So, Wii thank you. Thank you for allowing me to try to kick my husband’s ass at bowling or golf and legally knock my son out with a few rounds of boxing all while occasionally kissing the palm of my hand with a little game bop vibration through the wiimote.

The only thing that would make the game better would be if there was a little cooling unit in wiimote.

$249.00 without tax is well worth it.

Recently I rented Tiger Woods PGA 08, Carnival Games and Sonic and the Secret Rings, but more on the games later.


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Posted in Family, The Hoff/Teach

Happy Birthday to The Teach

Although my husband does not read my blog (*gasp* I know right!?), today is his birthday and I want to honor him here where I spend about 35% of my day.
Since this blog was intended as a legacy for my children I want to tell them just how much he means to me and how awesome he is.
Written with the limited knowledge I have learned through the 17 years of knowing his parents.
Daddy was born in Newark NJ back in 1971. His parents came here from Spain about 3 years earlier to live “the American dream,” the one his father saw in all the movies he watched.
His father (your Abuelo) was a hard worker who learned English, went to college, got a job as an electrician at CBS and made a decent life for his family.
Daddy grew up in New Jersey and was the only boy and the youngest of 3. He went to high school, played football, was in the band, eventually taught himself to play amazing guitar. He was a really great guitar player and joined a few bands. I used to go watch him play and everyone would come up to me telling me what a great guitarist he was.
We met while I was driving around with Aunt Teresa after breaking up with a boyfriend. She knew that I liked long haired guys and noticed him change lanes next to us. He was in front of us and she honked to get his attention. He looked in his rear view mirror and she told me to wave. She didn’t want him to think she was trying to get his attention. She was very adamant about that.
We followed him through 2 towns until he stopped his car. He says now that if his car was faster he could have outrun us. I remember telling her to stop following him because it seemed a bit manic and we didn’t know who he was, where he was going, or what he really looked like. We saw a long haired guy in a car and we were following him? If I had been driving we would never have met because I would not have followed him. She takes total credit for setting us up and also blames herself when we had problems, “If I hadn’t chased him you would have been with someone else.”
We could have met somewhere else because we did like the same music so it may have been inevitable anyway that we ran into each other in a club or bar. Although he wasn’t 21 years old yet so he didn’t go out as much as I was. So who knows.
Anyway, when he finally stopped the car at his destination, and he was cute and had a guitar I was thankful that she had followed him.
She was pushing me to get out so that he again didn’t think she was the one after him. I had no idea what to say. What do you say to someone you obviously chased for 15 minutes, cutting in and out of traffic and park behind him on a suburban street? As I was walking around the car I noticed a blue WSOU Pirate Radio bumper sticker. So what do you think my opening line was? Yup, “where did you get the bumper sticker?”
He told me that he got it at a club, party, someone’s house…I don’t even remember his answer. I just remember feeling stupid and wondering if he was interested in my friend, the tall blonde or in me the short brunette.
I asked about the guitar and he said he was going to rehearsal at his friend’s house. He pointed the the house. I felt like I should let him go but why follow him if I wasn’t going to at least get his phone number?
He said he was looking for a singer for his band and I told him I knew a lot of band people. He gave me his phone number and said if I knew someone who was looking for his band to have them call him.
We got paper and pen and he leaned on the car to write his number. I remember that the name he wrote looked like Toe. I joked about the name and he smiled and said, “No dude, that’s a J”, then he playfully shoved at me and I felt like we knew each other.
I don’t recall the rest. I don’t recall him walking away, or us getting back in the car. I don’t even recall how many days it took me to call him but what I do remember is calling him and telling him that I was the girl who chased him down the other day. He said he knew and that he remembered. I know also that I wanted to be certain that he knew which I was, blonde or brunette. I told him that I was the short brunette and he told me that he knew and that he preferred short brunette’s. Yeah…score.
I’ll save the rest for another day, I just wanted to get into writing how we met.
There are so many reasons as to why “The Teach” is the guy I decided to spend my life with.
Mostly what I want you guys to know as we celebrate his 37th birthday, is that he loves you.
He works hard to make sure that you guys have what you need and what you want. He comes home after running his own company (anyone who has their own knows you work
24/7) and plays Xbox with Handsome and hugs and kisses you both until you can’t stand it.
He may not have time right now to go to the park with us, or family outings but when he is with us he does try to spend as much time as possible talking to you, asking how your day was, what you did, and what you learned. He is eager to see what you drew, colored, painted, etc. He hands over his TV most of the day until 7:00 when he wants the news on. He wrestles, carries, spins and throws you until everyone is exhausted. He takes you out of the bath, dresses and combs your hair, fills milk cups, brings home pizza on Friday’s, cuddles you until you fall asleep Goddess, or carries Handsome to bed when he falls asleep in the living room. Shh’s you when you wake at night and holds you if you get hurt.
He is amazing in so many little ways and in the biggest way of all. He gave me my biggest reason to be here. He gave me the two of you. Without him there would be no you and there would possibly be no me.
Sadly, we were unable to get him much for his birthday but I am sure that the sight of you guys bringing him his gift and saying “Happy Birthday Daddy” this morning were enough for him.
If not, next time he will have to give us a list right????
Posted in Christmas/Holidays, Family, Goddess in Training/Goddess, My Kids, Precocious Son/Handsome

Christmas in a Nut shell


Christmas was so much fun. I did get to do some of the things on my list.

The kids were super excited and their enthusiasm made it impossible for anyone not to jump on their bandwagon.  We got ready for bed as usual but this time we put out some oats and sparkles for the reindeer to find our door. I told them I was going to leave the sliders open for Santa since our chimney is currently boarded up.  They eagerly threw out the oat, sparkle mix and as I closed the door Handsome asked about the cookies and milk. I put the little Santa table in front of the door with a plate a mug of milk on it. I told them to each place a cookie on the table and then gave them carrots to also put out because the Mall Santa told them the reindeers love them. 

We brushed our teeth, said our prayers adding the soldiers who are fighting for us and missing Christmas with their families and down they went. They slept fairly well for kids who were excited about presents. I on the other hand couldn’t sleep at all and started a new book (Black and Blue by Anna Quindlen) by nightlight.

About 5:30 an hour after I finally feel asleep the boy woke up with a “all done with sleeping Mommy?”

“Ummmm no I’m actually not baby.” I told him.

He asked for milk and to watch TV. I was actually surprised that he had forgotten about Santa coming but got his milk and set him up with Blue’s Clues  introduction to Joe in his bedroom. One down. Goddess woke about 10 minutes later and walked into the room to watch TV.  It is 5:45 and we are up. It is dark, the moon is still very high in the sky and the kids are up super early but not asking about presents or Santa? What gives?

The Teach hears the TV and starts putting on the Christmas tree lights, gets the train running and tells me to start up the video camera. I press record and walk away just as Handsome walks toward the living room calling “Dad.” 

He notices the presents and you can hear him on the tape saying, “Woooo look at all these presents.” Then he heads over to the cookie and milk table and says “Wow, look at that!”

We bring the Goddess in and ask if they want to see what Santa brought. They of course say, “Yeah!” together.

So the opening frenzy begins. We watch the sky go from dark to light, and torn paper fills the room along with sounds of “wow, look, yes, cool, woooo” Who needs big words really??

I could have wrapped some empty boxes really because I think my son was just happy ripping paper.

About 85% of what they got was opened and played with for at least, oh I don’t know 3 minutes before they handed over something else to open. 

The morning consisted of opening, untying those annoying metal twisty ties, ripping tape, loosening plastic bands and bagging up trash.

The kids had an awesome time and some of their gifts were, Shrek the Third DVD, some games for VSmile, the Loving Family doll house, Dora kitchenvarious Diego and Rescue packs (which are down from $37.99 to $18.99 – that makes me want to spit) , a doll carriage (thanks to Tia Marta), Leapster (Tia Marta), Disney princess tent, the coolest guitar (Tia Marta gift)  and too many other things to mention. They were very taken care of.  

My favorite gift was my Christmas card from my husband. Don’t get me wrong..I love the food processor, Sims games, digital picture frame, Lost 3rd season DVD set and whatnot but I am a card person and it is nice to read something that reminds you that you are loved. Sometimes the littlest gestures make the biggest impact. I love that he got me a card and hopefully took the time to really read it as he says he does. This card says everything I need to hear and it gave my heart a nice big bear hug.